YogaToes® Return Policy

Our Promise to You
Since 2003, the YogaToes® brand has delivered only authentic, high-quality YogaToes®, proudly made in the USA. Unfortunately, there are imitations and counterfeits! Beware!

Automated Returns & Exchanges (Domestic Orders Only) are eligible for return within 30 days of date of original purchase

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please email customer service and specify you wish to start a return. Have your order number and email address ready. Click here to email customer service and start the process.

Returns and exchanges processed through the automated returns/exchanges portal are subject to a flat fee of $5.00 which includes a prepaid shipping label.

Return requests for Wholesale and other large orders cannot be processed through the Shopify terminal and must be submitted through — for approval.

For International Orders:

Please click here for further instructions.

International Orders are subject to a 15% restocking fee and are responsible for all associated return shipping charges.

Purchases made on Amazon or eBay are subject to Amazon and eBay's return policies. For more information contact their customer service departments at or


  • An order number and email address are required for all returns and exchanges.
  • All returns must arrive at our Fulfillment Center within 30 from the date of original purchase date including exchanges. Shipping is non-refundable.
  • Altered products are non-returnable and are non-refundable.
  • All customers (including international) are responsible for shipping charges associated with product returns and exchanges. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for packages lost in transit. You will want to insure your package back to us.
  • All returns must be pre-approved by YogaToes. All returns or shipments marked “Refused” or “Return to Sender” received by YogaToes, without prior authorization, may not be eligible for refunds. The refund amount is credited back to the original payment method. Please allow 7-10 business days for the funds to be returned to your account.

  • YogaToes products are warrantied against manufacturer's defects for one year from date of purchase. Warranty claims can only be processed with valid proof of purchase from authorized YogaToes resellers. Product is required to be returned for replacement. Buyer is responsible for all associated shipping charges.